Toast Payment Processing Fees - Calculator

Toast, a cutting-edge platform that is transforming how restaurants operate and interact with their customers. Toast is more than just a point of sale (POS) system; it's an all-encompassing solution tailored to meet the diverse needs of the restaurant industry. From small cafes to large, multi-location establishments, Toast offers a range of products and services designed to optimize every aspect of restaurant management.

Toast Payment Processing Fee Calculator

Toast Payment Processing Fee Calculator

Total Fee: $0
Amount after Fee: $0

At its core, Toast provides a robust POS system, but its capabilities extend far beyond transaction processing. The platform integrates functionalities like online ordering, kitchen display systems, and a suite of tools for efficient employee management. Toast's innovative approach also includes guest engagement features such as loyalty programs, gift cards, and integrated email marketing, ensuring that restaurants can not only attract but also retain their customers.

How Toast's payment processing fees are calculated?

Payment Types: The fees depend on whether the transaction is card-present (CP) or card-not-present (CNP). CP transactions occur in-person (swipe, dip, or tap), while CNP transactions happen when the cardholder and card are not physically present (online orders, phone orders, etc.).

Understanding the Fees: Each transaction processed through Toast incurs a processing fee. This fee includes interchange and network costs alongside Toast's fees, which vary based on the check size. For example, for a $100 check, $2.06 is the payment processing fee, of which 58¢ is reinvested in Toast, and $1.48 goes to interchange and network fees.

Components of Fees: The total payment processing cost includes interchange fees (paid to the bank that issued the card, usually a percentage of the transaction volume plus a flat fee) and network fees.

Toast Products and Solutions: Toast offers various services integrated with their payment processing, like reporting & analytics, 24/7 customer support, invoicing, point of sale, mobile order & pay, contactless payment solutions, digital ordering, fraud prevention, email marketing, and loyalty programs.

Pricing Options: Toast aims to provide clear and transparent payment processing rates with no hidden fees. They offer custom rates specific to the characteristics of each restaurant.

Toast's fees are generally composed of two main components

Interchange Fees: These are fees set by card networks and are paid to the bank that issued the card used in the transaction. Interchange fees typically consist of a percentage of the transaction volume plus a flat fee per transaction. For example, an interchange fee might be structured as 2.00% of the transaction amount + $0.10 per transaction. The exact percentage and flat fee can vary depending on the card network and the type of transaction (e.g., in-person, online).

Network Fees: These are additional fees set by the card networks and are separate from interchange fees. They are also part of the total processing cost.

On top of these, Toast may add its own fees for the services it provides. These fees can vary based on the specific services used by the restaurant and the agreement they have with Toast.